A Fee May Apply if You Choose to Continue to Receive a Paper Bill
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fees will be applied
487,000 results on the web
Some examples from the web:
- The fees will be applied equally for members of the consortium and any other user. They will be adjusted annually on the basis of an independent assessment.
- Handling fees should not be applied to submissions by natural persons of small quantities of unfit coins.
- With respect to updates of a registration concerning confidentiality claims, it is appropriate that fees should be applied consistently regardless of when the request is made.
- Handling fees should not be applied to the submissions of small quantities of euro coins unfit for circulation.
- At the request of a Member State, accompanied by appropriate supporting documents and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18 of Directive 89/662/EEC, a lower level of fees may be applied to imports from certain third countries.
- The scale of fees applied by the Agency, and the terms of payment, shall be communicated to applicants when they submit their applications.
- The scale of fees applied by the Agency and the terms of payment shall be communicated to applicants when they submit their applications.
- 3. The scale of fees applied by the Agency, and the terms of payment, shall be communicated to applicants when they submit their applications.
- - the «blending» of card scheme fees applied by acquirers to merchants (meaning the offer to acquire transactions under different brands/ schemes against a single (package) merchant service commission).
- The Commission used the fees applied to the credit line extended to one of the sampled exporting producers by a foreign commercial bank.
- It was considered appropriate to use the fees applied to this credit line as a benchmark in accordance with the Article 6(d)(ii) of the basic Regulation.
- Apparently, the Netherlands regarded the fees as not being too high, given the agreement on the predetermined budget deficits, which were based on more precise assumptions regarding the fees to be applied.
- The selection board shall also ensure that the tuition fees proposed do not exceed certain thresholds based on the average of the tuition fees applied across the Member States.
- I thank the Commission sincerely for its reply detailing the measures it has so far adopted with regard to the interchange fees applied by MasterCard and Visa Europe, which were in breach of EU competition rules.
- As regards the average cost for registration of substances, there is not an average cost per substance as registration costs are the fees applied by Members States to register traditional herbal medicinal products.
- The head of the Polish competition and consumer protection office has already adopted a position on the matter, ordering the immediate cancellation of any agreement between banks over the level of interchange fees applied to Visa and MasterCard payments.
- Multilateral interchange fees are also applied more generally to payments by bank card.
- The draftsman welcomes the proposal to abolish the current annual fees being applied by competent bodies to Eco-label users, as a significant step in making the scheme less bureaucratic and reducing the administrative burden for companies.
- the lifting of the ban on the minimum charge for termination fees currently applied by mobile telephone companies.
- As a result, exempt billionaire holding companies are not subject to the ordinary thin capitalisation rules applicable for subscription tax purposes, and no withholding tax is applied on fees and remunerations paid.
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Source: https://textranch.com/198256/fees-will-apply/or/fees-will-be-applied/
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